Exhibit at the COP22 – Creating carbon negative, climate resilient ecovillages in Africa and around the world. Creating electrical cities and agro-ecological parks.

For Information and adhesions COBASE cobaseu@gmail.com; www.electricalcities.com; Mob. +39 339 6938361 GHERUSH92 gherush92@gmail.com; www.gherush92.com; Mob. +39 339 6938361 GEN  welcome@ecovillage.org; www.ecovillage.org/COP22;

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Side Event al COP22- Future Cities for Climate Change Targets (CCTs). Agroecology and local biocultural assessments

For Information and adhesions COBASE cobaseu@gmail.com; www.electricalcities.com; Mob. +39 339 6938361 GHERUSH92 gherush92@gmail.com; www.gherush92.com; Mob. +39 339 6938361 ANDES genesis@andes.org.pe; www.andes.org.pe;

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